Justin Sterner

A professional Actor & Acting Coach. Justin’s students can be seen on NETFLIX, Hulu, Amazon, NBC, CBS, National Commercial Spots and other major platforms. He has made his career in feature films that have released nationwide in theaters and streaming across the world, working with the likes of Corbin Blue (High School Musical) Christopher Lloyd (The Mandalorian, Back To The Future) Amanda Leighton (This Is Us, Pretty Little Liars) Leah Allyn Baker (Good Luck Charlie, Will & Grace) and many others. His newest film is a part of the Sony Entertainment family in Collaboration with the Kendrick Brothers and will be in released in theaters August 2024.

Most importantly, Justin is Husband, Father & Christian.


I ask all my students “If you were going to have surgery tomorrow, you’d want a doctor who operates every week right?” well, in the same vein, working with an acting coach who is actively engaged in the industry and adapting as it ebbs and flows is crucial. Specifically for younger actors who are still navigating the intricacies of life, purpose, and professional calling. I am actively auditioning, booking, and collaborating with agencies, directors, producers, and casting so that I can stay ahead of the curve and keep myself and my students informed.

Creative Mentorship 

I am NOT your average Acting Coach who hops online once a week to tell you how to perform a scene better. I am, however; a devoted mentor, collaborator, and someone who wants to celebrate every win with you and work through the challenges of being an artist. I am an award-winning Actor and have been able to use my experience to help transition the hobby of other artists into a career. I am passionate about the next generation and protecting our art and the elements that make it beautiful.

My Process

Through the years I have worked with almost every temperament. From students with social anxiety to ones who love the spotlight. No two students are the same, which forces me to adapt and learn along with them to cultivate an approach that caters to their unique learning style. I have students that can only memorize material on their feet while suffering playing cards and I also have students who have photographic memory and can see a script once and recite it perfectly. This has allowed me to develop a tool-kit of go-to exercises for a verity of learning styles, and create new ones for students who break the mold and require something else.

What you get when you train with me:

  • A one on one Q & A where I will answer any and all questions about you or your students career, personal awareness and type, expected commitment level and other surrounding topics.

  • Audition technique and tips for working with family and self taping at home.

  • Tools on script analysis and scene study.

  • A complete audit & review of all online profiles and casting sites such as ActorsAccess, Casting Network, Backstage, IMDB, Social media and others.

  • A detailed breakdown of your growth and areas that need improvement.